Friday, July 31, 2009

Voice Thread

Voice Thread has so many applications for education. Bookreports, Battle of Books reviews, classroom reports and on. I like the security provisions, also. I will be attempting to use Voice Thread for my project for this class.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 5, Thing 10 & 11

In my explorations today, I found the "play" time to be most useful by finding This site is very useful by providing basic information on health issues. It has many links which are also helpful. Myheritage and Geni were interesting. I also generated a comic birthday wish, but the "upload" didn't happen.

Week 4, Thing #9

I have created a RSS Reader and have added a few items, such as Dilbert and a librarian's blog. The search tools I found most helpful are Topix and Technorati. Blogdigger was not at all useful for me. I can now enjoy RSS services for those sites I visit on a monthly basis. Exposure to this service was very helpful.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Week 3

I have explored Fliker and have opened an account and placed a photo, yah! While looking as the "mash-ups", I stumbled into smilebox and created a scrapbook with some photos from Easter 2008. I wanted to do something with them to share with family, and now thanks to Web 2.0, it's done!

Week 1

Much has been said about being and creating life long learners. I enjoyed reading the 7 habits and can readily relate to them. The toolbox is my favorite and my most challenging is #6, using technology to your advantage. That's why I'm here!